26th March - 30th March 2025
Special group ticket prices are made available to groups of 10 or more people. We recommend groups to attend the Show on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday for the comfort and convenience of their passengers, as these days are less crowded than the weekend.
A five (5) minute limit coach/bus pick up/drop off area is available in Nicholson Street, adjacent to the Royal Exhibition Building between Gertrude & Carlton Streets.
This area will display signage identifying it as a Bus Touring Zone to drop off and pick up passengers. Clients should be advised to return to this area at a pre-determined hour for their return journey.
Drivers cannot remain parked within the drop off / pick up area and will incur heavy fines from parking officers if the time limit is exceeded.
The bus parking location is on Nicholson Street (Melbourne Museum side of the road), between Hanover and Carlton Streets. Drivers wishing to return to the venue should be in uniform if they wish to access the show.