Indoor plants continue to be one of the hottest trends in gardening and home decor. There’s a species of indoor plant for everyone and most indoor plants can handle hardy environments and won’t get too mad if you forget to water them!
There are so many indoor plant species that are easy to take care of which look fantastic in the home and add that extra pop of colour. Now is the perfect time to discover the wonderful world of indoor plants
Monstera Deliciosa: Commonly known as the ‘swiss cheese’ of plants due to their cheese like leaves, Monstera Deliciosa is the perfect addition to any home. These plants thrive in any indoor setting and will survive if you forget to water it once in a while. We recommend using Scotts Osmocote Indoor Plants Premium Potting Mix with the Australian Standard red tick, which ensures that the mix has been manufactured with quality ingredients to comply with Australian Standards. A handy tip for new and old owners is to make sure that this plant is kept in a warm climate out of direct sunlight.
Cast Iron Plant: If you are wanting an indoor plant to spruce up your low light areas, try investing in a cast iron plant. These special plant babies are one of the most durable indoor plants that you can purchase. The deep green colour of the leaves gives any room a pop of colour and as an added bonus, this plant can survive in a wide range of temperatures, lighting conditions and with minimal water.
Aloe Vera: For those after an indoor plant with both healing properties and are aesthetically pleasing to the eye, feature aloe vera on your window sills. Besides decoration, you can harvest your aloe vera plants spiky leaves which can save you quite a lot of cost when it comes to purchasing aloe vera soothing products for sunburn. The harvested aloe gel can be applied to sunburns and is even known to promote wound healing. Place your aloe vera plant in a terracotta pot that has great drainage for the best results.
Peace Lily: It’s hard not to love a peace lily! These indoor plants are easy to care for, forgiving and arguably one the most beautiful indoor plants that you can invest in. Peace lilies will start to droop when they are thirsty and if the leaves start to go yellow this means they are hungry and a sign that there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Apply Scotts Osmocote Pour+Feed for Indoor Plants to boost nitrogen levels and get rid of those sad yellow leaves. The humble peace lily has been recognised as one of the best indoor air purifiers that you can have in the home and every indoor plant parent should have at least one in their indoor plant family.
Devil’s Ivy: Devil’s ivy is a great indoor plant for beginners, they are understanding and add some lovely greenery to your home. To ensure that you give the best chance for your pothos plants to survive, a top tip is to use Osmocote Pour+Feed for Indoor Plants to provide fast acting nutrients. Devil’s ivy plants can survive in just about any environment and look great in the bathroom or office spaces. If you are looking to have the best looking plant on the block, display your pothos plant in hanging basket.
African Violets: The humble African violet is a must for your home this summer! This indoor plant is perfect for small living areas and is sure to add that extra pop of colour to any room. To ensure that this flowering plant flourishes indoors, place the African violet in a well-lit location that is out of direct sunlight. Remember to make sure not to over water this plant and to give it a dust from time to time.