March 2025


Indoor Plants In The Rain

Have you ever noticed how plants appear greener, cleaner, and lusher after a rain? This is because rainwater provides benefits to plants that tap water cannot.

Make the most of the recent rain by re-energising and refreshing your indoor plants! You can either collect rainwater in a bucket to use later, or you can leave your indoor plants outside for a few hours.

Rainwater Advantages

1. It is abundant in all the right things

Rainwater has more Nitrogen and Oxygen than most tap water, and because your plant roots receive them directly, you’ll notice plants growing faster and greener. Furthermore, rainwater soaking into the soil unlocks micronutrients and minerals that are already present in the soil, which are then quickly taken by the plant roots.

2. Rain is a type of soft water.

Rainwater is free of salts, minerals, and compounds that are commonly present in tap water and once absorbed into the soil, these pollutants can accumulate, altering the pH and destroying important microbe/fungal communities, impacting plant health.

3. The ideal pH

Most plants thrive in soil pH ranges from 5.5 to 7, which is slightly acidic to neutral. Rainwater naturally has a pH of 7 – the optimal pH for plants. Furthermore, rainwater contributes in washing away pollutants in the soil as a result of watering with tap or groundwater, so helping to balance the pH of the soil.

4. Maintain a clean and green environment.

Rainwater wipes away any dust or debris on your indoor plant’s leaves, allowing their pores to clear (Stomata). This increases their ability to absorb CO2 and nutrients for photosynthesis, encouraging healthy plant growth.

Other Alternatives

Don’t worry if rainwater isn’t a possibility where you live. Another fantastic and healthy choice for your indoor plants is dechlorinated tap water.

Simply fill a bucket with tap water and leave it to sit for a few days; the chlorine in regular tap water will gradually evaporate.

Take Precautions

Rain, like all weather, is unpredictable, so you need take certain measures when moving your indoor plant kids outside.

Be on Wind Watch You don’t want your plant to topple over and harm the pot, or worse, damage the plant’s leaves and stems. If the wind picks up, bring your pot plant indoors and catch rainfall in a bucket.

Not Too Cold – Spring and summer rains are frequently humid enough to be left outside for a short period of time. However, because most indoor plants are tropical, they will not survive being left outside in cooler conditions for an extended period of time. That is why, even on a warm Summer night, we do not advocate keeping your indoor plants outside overnight.

Light is preferable – Heavy rain can harm your prized indoor plant. So, gentle rain is better for your plant to reap all of the benefits while minimising risk.


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