26th March - 30th March 2025


Debra Pemble – Pocket Profile

Debra Pemble, AKA The Posy Crew, is a floral designer and floristry educator based in Far North Queensland. With years of hands-on experience in retail floristry, she is now dedicated to crafting florals exclusively for weddings and events, as well as educating the next generation of flower enthusiasts.

Working from her home studio in the rainforests of Julatten (near Port Douglas), she draws inspiration from the wild and unusual botanicals that surround her. Many of her designs feature unexpected elements or techniques to capture the essence of this tropical environment.

Debra is passionate about the floristry industry and openly shares her knowledge and skills with others in an effort to cultivate a stronger, more creative floristry community.

This is Debra’s first appearance at the Melbourne Flower and Garden Show and she is super excited to showcase her work to an entirely new audience and share a little piece of her tropical home.

When/How did you get into the industry?

My first thought of a floristry career was actually a bit of joke whilst in High School (a very long time ago).  Everyone else was planning University and I wanted something much more fun and creative, so I thought Florist!  Getting paid to “play” with flowers seemed like a great idea.  After a short stint in a floristry shop just out of school, I eventually moved away and tried a more serious corporate career. It took a few years for me to realise this wasn’t the world for me and about 18 years ago I signed up for my Certificate 3 in Floristry and have loved every working day since!

What are you most excited about at this year’s #melbflower show?

As this is my first show, I am super excited just to be attending!  I am looking forward to meeting other creative, flower folk and seeing all of their amazing creations, and just connecting with other flower enthusiasts over our shared love of florals.  I am also very excited about sharing with everyone a little slice of my tropical home in my floral display.

What is your favourite flower trend of the season?

I try not to get too carried away with trends as they seem to come and go so fast  (but yes, I am still reflexing roses!)  One thing that I do love is the very open garden styles that we see now.  Lots of textures and moving, twisted lines along with those delicate seasonal blooms.

Who has been the biggest influence on your floral career?

I am always looking to learn as much as I possibly can and believe that you will never know it all when it comes to this industry.  Over the years I have worked with some amazing people and sort out instruction and mentoring from people I really respect within the industry.  One of my biggest influences at the start of my career, especially with regards to retail floristry and running a good floristry business was from a lady called Merrilyn, she ran a retail florist in Clare where I studied my Cert 3.  She shared so much information with me about the industry and this really helped me when I decided to step out on my own and run my own business.  More recently at the end of 2022 I travelled to the UK and Europe to attend some schools and flower show in London, Spain and Holland, and have to say this experience has been a huge influence on the designs I do today.  The knowledge I gained has given me the confidence to experiment a little more and just follow my intuition rather than over thinking things.

If you could invite any three people to a garden party who would they be?

Gregor Lersch, the godfather of Floral Design.  I just want to be in a room with him and talk design. 

Queen Charlotte (from Bridgerton), she’s strong, sassy and would speak her mind (also we could all then dress up with fabulous wigs and gowns).

Lastly a garden party wouldn’t be complete without Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia!  We could chat about exotic plants, and he’d look great in one of those wigs, LOL.

If you  had a floristry super power what would it be?

The Flash…. I reckon I am pretty quick on the workbench.  Especially in my Retail Floristry days, I could whack together an all round arrangement in no time! 

Best places to connect with Debra

Instagram @the_posy_crew

Sign up to her monthly Education newsletter on the website www.theposycrew.com.au



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