26th March - 30th March 2025


Crazy Plant Parents of the Week!

Only three weeks to go until the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show presented by Scotts Osmocote hits the Royal Exhibition Building & Carlton Gardens!

To celebrate the ‘plant mania’ heading our way, we’re sharing our favourite Crazy Plant Parents of the Week!

First up we have Julie, this week’s winner of our Scotts Osmocote Plant Care Pack, who believes you can never have enough plants, just more shelves!

She says, it’s not just the buying a new plant and looking after it process that she enjoys – over the past few years she’s been hooked on propagating, and experimenting with which plants can be propagated and in what ways. “It’s not only extremely rewarding but it always gives me the chance to get other people addicted to indoor plants! So far I’ve managed to successfully convert 6 friends, and am hoping for more this year!” Julie tells us.

Julie’s favourite plant is her Oxalis Triangularis – she admits to killing this plant so many times, but each time it comes back to life!

You can never have enough plants, just more shelves!

– Julie Tran, proud parent of 29 plants

Rog tells us that looking and talking to his plants is a type of meditation for him. “It is my zen zone, no matter how busy the day has been or how locked down our city is, knowing I can go and look at them and soak in the joy of being in their presence is my go to ritual” he says. Rog has a soft spot for his red cherry tomatoes and Thai pink egg tomatoes.

“It’s been a labour of love – raised from seed to seedling to almost looking like it wasn’t going to make it to now getting some baby Thai pink egg tomatoes and 5 bigger Red Cherry tomatoes” he continues.

It is my zen zone, no matter how busy the day has been or how locked down our city is, knowing I can go and look at them and soak in the joy of being in their presence is my go to ritual.

– Rog W, proud parent of 12 plants

Kylie can’t choose her favourite plant, there’s two! Her Varigated Monstera Borsigiana as well as her Tradescantia Nanouk, both grown from the smallest little stump cuttings.

She believes music is the answer, and has created a growing playlist to help her little babies bask under the grow lights.

Well my husband often tells me I’m a little bit too into my indoor plants as I created them there very own growing play list on Spotify….. they seem to enjoy it the classical music while they bask under my grow lights

– Kylie Rogers, proud parent of 50 plants


Thanks to Scotts Osmocote, we’re on the hunt to find the most passionate, crazy, committed plant parents in Australia and are giving away Scotts Osmocote Plant Kits each week to do so!

Our unrivaled plant parent will WIN the Ultimate Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show presented by Scotts Osmocote Experience, including flights, accommodation and a double pass to see the Show!

Simply fill out the form below to be in the running to win!

Are you Australia’s Craziest Plant Parent?



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